COVID-19 Updates from India
COVID-19 Cases in India (as on 27 July 2020, 08:00 IST ( IST)
Total Cases: 1435453
Total Recovered / Discharged / Migrated: 917568
Total Deaths: 32771
Total Active Cases: 485114
Source: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
We measure the Number of Active cases as:
Active Cases = Total cases - (Total Recovered/Discharged/Migrated + Total Deaths)
State-wise COVID-19 cases in India
Note: Data shown in the table is collected through Newspaper articles, Govt. sites and Press releases.
COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus (2019-nCoV). This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.